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Vegetarian and Vegan-suitable Wines

Lubanzi Red Bottle Pouring Wine Image

There are plenty of reasons one might choose to cut down on meat and meat-based products. Whatever they may be, there are clear health and holistic benefits to choosing a vegetarian, pescatarian, or vegan diet as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle, not to mention the carbon emissions which would be reduced on the meat processing…

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The ‘Old Vine’ Question

To consider the perceived qualitative differences in ‘old vine’ fruit we must first define the term, and this begins with Phylloxera – the pest which decimated European vineyards throughout the 19th century. The damage caused and the efforts to combat and restore the wine industry during this time dictated a necessary shift in viticultural practices,…

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Indigenous Cypriot Grape Varieties

While this isn’t an exhaustive list, we have recently shipped some exquisite wines from Cyprus and sampling these was my first exposure to some of the indigenous varietals that many Cypriot winemakers are understandably so proud of, which form an integral part of their wines. Cyprus, along with Santorini, is one of the only European…

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